Mounds State Park
Making Data Readable
Skills utilized:
3D modelling (Rhino)
Data processing
Map making
Graphic design (Adobe Illustrator)
UI/UX design
Mounds State Park, located in Anderson, Indiana, is the site of a group of ancient earthworks built originally by the prehistoric Native Americans known as the Adena-Hopewell people. The park contains 10 of these earthworks, or mounds, which were used for ceremonial purposes. Each one is a different size, shape, and condition of it’s original state.
IDIA was tasked with building an app for iPad which users could download and use as they toured the park, tracking their GPS location and offering various pieces of information as they moved around.
My specific tasks were to convert the raw data, sometimes a 2D topography map, other times nothing more than a spreadsheet of data points into 3D models of each mound, and then present them all in a series of maps that were integrated into the app.