About Chris

Chris Harrison is a Registered Architect (RA - IN, IL) and emerging professional. He earned his B.S. in Architecture in 2010 and M.Arch. in 2012, both from Ball State University in Muncie, IN. During his time in school, he was involved with many campus organizations, a trend which he has carried into his post-graduate life. After completing grad school, he remained in the academic setting as professional staff with the IDIA Lab where he continued his focus on the research and development of virtual reality, photogrammetry, and other technologies in the context of Architecture. His collaboration with Prof. Jonathan Spodek, FAIA, NCARB around the use of photogrammetry for Historic Preservation resulted in a chain of workshops, presentations, and publications; from a multinational workshop in Izmit, Turkey to the 3D Digital Documentation Summit in New Orleans, and ultimately for the American Institute of Architects’ Conference on Architecture in New York City in the summer of 2018.

After departing Ball State, Chris re-entered private practice, and has experience with firms large and small, new and old. He has a broad range of market experience, having worked on projects in K-12, Special Needs Primary Education, Healthcare, Commercial, Multi-family, Private Residential, Mixed-use, Hospitality, and Civic. He also explores his entrepreneurial side through an LLC he founded in 2018, through which he runs a small Etsy shop and takes on freelance graphic design work and photography.

Outside of work, Chris is involved in community service and the arts. He is an active member and Past President of the Indy Metro Rotary Club, has volunteered multiple years to help plan Indy Pride’s +35,000 visitor Festival, serves on the Leadership team of FORTE: Young Professionals for the ISO (after completing two full terms on the board of Orchestra Indiana (formerly Muncie Symphony Orchestra), and has participated as a grant review panelist for the Indiana Arts Commission repeatedly. In whatever time he has left, Chris enjoys time with his dog Hendricks, traveling, and pursuing a hobby in aviation. He is an FAA Part 107 Drone (sUAS) Operator, as well as a Part 61 Licensed Private Pilot and is working towards an instrument rating.


After completing the final NCARB Architect Registration Examination® (ARE®) division in March of 2023, and fulfilling the NCARB Architectural Experience Program® (AXP®) requirements in November 2023, Chris obtained his initial License as a Registered Architect in the State of Indiana. Immediately following his initial licensure, Chris obtained NCARB Certification, and also obtained licensure in the state of Illinois.

Licenses & Credentials:

  • Licensed Architect, State of Indiana [Indiana Professional Licensing Agency]

  • Licensed Architect, State of Illinois [Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation]

  • NCARB Certified [National Council of Architectural Registration Boards]

Architect Registration Examination® (ARE®) Information:



1 attempt
1 attempt
1 attempt
1 attempt
1 attempt
1 attempt



Reg. ID: 261641
Reg. ID: 261642
Reg. ID: 261643

Community Involvement

Architecture is an act which changes the community it's built in, and I believe it is vitally important for an Architect to be in tune with and involved in the community they design for. I've had the tremendous opportunity to be involved with and take leadership roles in several community organizations over the past few years, and it's something I have greatly enjoyed. I look forward to getting involved anywhere I go.


  • Member 2019 - present

  • Leadership Board: 2023-present

  • Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra Facilities Committee 2024-present

Indy Metro Rotary Club

  • Member 2019-present

  • Club President 2021-22

  • Club Treasurer 2022-23

indy pride

  • Festival Planning Committee ‘20, ‘22, & ‘23 seasons

indianapolis cultural trail

  • Volunteer, trail cleanup and landscaping

Muncie Sunrise Rotary Club

  • Member 2013-2018

  • Board of Directors 2014-2017

  • Rotaract Club of Ball State Faculty Advisor & Rotary Liason


  • Co-founding member 2020

  • Global Treasurer 2020-present

Michael Ellis Rotary Park Planning Board

  • Board Member 2013-2021

  • Board Chairman 2016-2017

Muncie Symphony League

  • Board Member 2013-2017

  • Board Secretary 2014-2015

  • Board President 2016-2017

  • Andante 5k Race Organizer & Director 2016 & 2017

orchestra indiana (Formerly Muncie Symphony Orchestra)

  • Board Member (appointed, Symphony League) 2016-2017

  • Board Member (elected, 1st term) 2017-2020 (Secretary - 2018-2019, Development committee, Governance committee)

  • Board Member (elected, 2nd term) 2020-2023 (Strategic Task Force)

work history

ratio Design | graduate architect / Architect

  • Indianapolis, IN

  • November 2021 - Present

Returned to RATIO to expand exposure to the architectural process. Learned through immersion the basics of project management, consultant coordination, and client communication. Projects so far have included a community center, a 60-unit apartment building (largely independently produced through DD phase, with some help in mid-late CD), a massive convention center and hospitality project, and additional work on Carmel Clay Public Library.

Artekna Healthcare Design | graduate architect

  • Indianapolis, IN

  • June 2020 - October 2021

Working in a traditional small office setting, dedicated exclusively to healthcare design. Projects have primarily centered on renovations, including a handful of equipment replacement projects, as well as build out of the 5 Star Athletic Training Facility. Duties aggregated across multiple projects included field verification, conceptual renderings, visual communication for specific clients and broad marketing, consultant and vendor coordination, schematic design diagrams, design development options, and construction document preparation.

ratio Design | graduate architect

  • Indianapolis, IN

  • January 2020 - May 2020

Had a few great months to experience a well-polished, large scale architecture firm. Worked on a team for the Carmel Clay Public Library expansion project spanning from DD to CD phases. Learned office standards and the value of continual self-improvement and sharpening the saw. Was eventually laid off as part of a sweeping personnel reduction related to COVID-19.

STUdio m architecture & planning | graduate architect

  • Carmel, IN

  • November 2018 - November 2019

Grew in a fast-paced environment, working in project types including multi-family residential, mixed use, commercial, and corporate. Experiences included construction documents primarily in AutoCAD but also basic Revit work, COMcheck and code compliance documents, site documentation, and basic project management. Coordinated with consultants on all MEP trades, structural issues, and more.

ball state univeristy - institute for digital intermedia arts | virtual worlds designer

  • Muncie, IN

  • May 2012 - August 2017

Explored and researched at the intersection of Architecture and cutting edge technology. Designed and executed a broad range of digital project types, including multiple 3D scanning and reality capture methods, digital fabrication methods, Virtual Reality, and other digital representation technologies. Keystone research project centered on the photogrammetric scan of a mosque in Izmit Turkey, and multiple presentations at the national level with Historic Preservation colleagues.

hebard & hebard Architects, inc. | architectural intern

  • South Bend, IN

  • Multiple summer internships (2007, 2008, 2009, 2011)

Learned in a highly specialized setting focusing almost exclusively on K-12 projects. Worked through multiple project phases on elementary and high schools.

mpa architects | architectural intern

  • South Bend, IN

  • Summer 2010

Interned for a summer, and gained experience in new project types, including higher ed, healthcare, and commercial/retail

publications, presentations, & exhibitions

Creating Virtual Models with Digital Photogrammetry: Pertev Paşa Mosque (İzmit, Turkey)

Published in Volume 12 (2020) of Preservation Education & Research Journal


The use of photogrammetry as a tool to aid in the documentation of cultural heritage sites has a long history in creating scalable documents from 2D photographs. Recent advances in technology paired with the greater accessibility of photogrammetric software present ever-growing opportunities to document heritage sites. Documentation can be achieved with minimal training, a consumer-grade camera, and available software. Software applications manage almost the entire initial photogrammetric process, including image registration, object matching, photo-stitching, 3D mesh generation, and rendering. Digital photogrammetry starts with the on-site capture of digital photographs. Photographs are collected for processing by automated modeling software. Based on two algorithms, structure from motion (SfM) and multi-view stereo (MVS), the software analyzes the photographic images to create a 3D polygonal mesh with photorealistic texture maps. These files can then be post-processed and the models refined using 3D surface modeling software to create a final virtual model. Digital photogrammetry using a digital single lens reflex camera and cloud-based processing software can make digital documentation more applicable to historic building documentation. This article presents a straightforward approach to using digital photogrammetry to document heritage sites located in remote regions of the world, where access and digital applications may be limited.

See more here

3D Photogrammetry to document existing buildings

  • June 23rd 2018

Presented at A'18, the American Institute of Architects' 2018 Conference on Architecture in New York City. Written in collaboration with Jonathan Spodek FAIA, our proposal was within the 12% of those accepted for presentation at this prestigious conference attended by tens of thousands of U.S. and International architects. The presentation counted for both AIA Learning units, as well as continuing education credits for the Royal Institute of British Architects.

You might know of photogrammetry as a tool to document existing buildings by creating scalable documents from photographs. But do you know how advances in the technology have led to new and more accessible contributions? Join this discussion of how today's practitioners can create scalable 3D models with a simple consumer-grade camera and internet connection. Application servers manage image registration, object matching, photo stitching, 3D mesh generation, and rendering. These advances make 3D photogrammetry more accessible and cost-effective—an attractive alternative to time-consuming field measurement and costly scanning.

 100 airports to scale

  • April 2nd-May 31st 2018

Invited to present work at Muncie Public Library's Maring-Hunt branch, I mounted an exhibit of my entire Airport Diagram Series from CH DesignWorks. 100 minimalist prints of airport layouts will be displayed, with airports ranging in size and complexity from single strip municipal airports up to massive international airports like Atlanta, Dallas-Fort Worth, Amsterdam, and more. Most airports are so large, it's difficult to imagine that any of them are really larger than others. Many airports though are orders of magnitude larger or smaller than some others, and the Airport Diagram Series was created from the beginning to highlight the variety of sizes and shapes that can be found.

The exhibit can still be toured virtually on Google Maps Street View, in a series of interconnected spherical photos. Click this link to be taken there in another tab, or view to the left.

Cloud Based 3D Digital Photogrammetry - Pertev Pasa Mosque

  • April 18th 2017

Co-authoreed with Prof. Jonathan C. Spodek FAIA, the paper focuses specifically on the subject of digital photogrammetry as applied to the Pertev Pasa Mosque in Izmit, Turkey during a previous workshop that was focused broadly on the theme of cultural and historic heritage. The paper considers the applications and limitations of digital photogrammetry as a highly cost-effective, though less precise, alternative to the more traditional and precise 3D laser scanning (LIDAR) method commonly employed by preservationists. Additionally addressed are the best practices and techniques honed over the course of the Pertev Pasa Mosque project, as well as the continued post-processing of a photogrammetric model, including how it was prepared to share in a Virtual Reality experience. It was presented in New Orleans at the 3D Digital Documentation Summit organized by the National Center for Preservation Technology and Training (a division of the National Park Service).

Download the paper


 International Conservation Approach for Izmit

  • January 2016 Issue

Published in the Turkish Architecture magazine Arredamento Mimarlik - Tasarim Kültürü Dergisi (Translated: Arredamento Architecture - Design Culture Magazine) the results of a photogrammetry workshop were published as part of the article to showcase inexpensive and noninvasive methods for conservation and preservation, a topic of extreme concern for architects in the Middle East.

View the full article here

Photogrammetry: A brief introduction and technique workshop

  • September 8th 2015

Given at Kocaeli University to an international group of students from Kocaeli, the Politecnico di Milano in Italy, and Ball State University. I additionally helped facilitate a portion of a workshop (called IDEA(S)_workshopIZMIT) while there, and lead a campaign to capture, through photogrammetry, the Pertev Pasa Mosque as a hands-on interactive introduction of the technology to students and faculty attending the workshop.

Download the slide show here


Photogrammetry: A brief introduction and technique workshop

  • April 10th 2015

Given at the Ball State College of Architecture and Planning Alumni Symposium, I presented past work done by myself and a colleague of the IDIA Lab to students and several visiting professionals. The presentation qualified as Continuing Education credit for professionals of both the American Institute of Architects, as well as the American Society of Landscape Architects.

Download the slide show here


Practical Applications for Photogrammetry

  • October 24th 2014

Given independently on behalf of the IDIA Lab and open to all Ball State students, staff, and faculty, this presentation followed our initial research and experimentation with photogrammetry and outlined several practical applications, as well as compared the technology to other methods of 3D scanning and reality capture.


The use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (Drones) in Photogrammetry

  • April 3rd, 2014

Given at the 2014 Ball State University College of Architecture & Planning's Faculty & Student Symposium, in partnership with Master's of Historic Preservation student and private pilot, Jules Mominee. A case study was presented in which a model was captured from photos taken solely from a UAS.


Available upon request